Guarantees of origin
Guarantees of origin of energy are an element of the environmental policy of the European Union, which aims to disclose and certify to the end user that a certain amount of electricity fed into the distribution grid or transmission grid was produced from renewable energy sources or in the process of high-efficiency cogeneration (CHP – Combined Heat and Power).
Due to the fact that it is not possible to mark the energy itself, a system of documents (guarantees) was created, which are created with the generation of energy in the producer’s source, and expire upon their redemption to the End User or after 12 months from the date of production end or date release.
The Guarantee of Origin Register (RGP) operating within the Polish Power Exchange (TGE) currently enables the implementation of:
▶ entering the guarantee of origin into the application,
▶ sales of guarantees of origin between GOR members,
▶ cancellation of end-user guarantees of origin.
Guarantees of origin are an instrument of trading in all European Union countries as well as other European and world countries. They were first defined in the so-called A small energy three-pack. The basis for their creation was the European Directive 2009/28 / EC. In Poland, guarantees of origin for renewable energy sources are defined by the Act on Renewable Energy Sources of February 20, 2015 (Chapter V, Art. 120 – Art. 125). On the other hand, the legal basis for the guarantee of origin for CHP is the Act of December 14, 2018 on the promotion of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration.